All those who participate in a sports competition or tournament have always done so to aspire to win the prize, the cup, whose heritage comes from ancient customs that are lost in mists of time. In almost all the civilizations of the world, in fact, the cup has always been an object historically charged with symbolism.
In the history of Greek and Roman mythology, as well as in Jewish and Christian social and religious tradition, the cup is always mentioned and appears at all the most important moments of religious or social ceremonies and as an object of worship in religious ceremonies and in offering to pagan gods. It should also be remembered that, according to the Islamic religious tradition, all blessed souls who come to paradise are reserved for the cup of love. For the entire Celtic culture, another example, the new crowned King received, from a virgin girl, a cup containing a magical and intoxicating drink.
Then we must not forget one of the most famous religious legend in history, such as that of the ''Holy Grail'', the cup that for the legend contained the blood of Christ and that could grant immortality to those who drank from it. Every day we see the copy of it used during religious celebrations by Catholic priests.
But what gives the cup such a high value? Its two most important meanings are that of abundance and that of its content, to which magical virtues were often attributed. Coming to the most recent history, the cup begins to take on a sporting meaning, becoming the prize awarded at the end of tournaments and events.
The delivery of the cup to the winner of a sports competition, is therefore a reference to all the symbols mentioned above, a way to simbolize the meritand glory of the athlete or team, stronger than all the others and a wish for prosperity and wealth.